The Time Is Now

Ara és l’hora (“The Time Is Now”) is a unitary campaign to ensure that a wide majority of the Catalan people votes YES to independence in order to build a new country.
The campaign was promoted by Assemblea Nacional Catalana and Òmnium Cultural, cross-cutting organisations that represent Catalans’ popular will with a peaceful, democratic, participatory and inclusive movement.
The campaign was launched on 10 July 2014. The first phase was the organisation of the Via Catalana as part of the National Day of Catalonia on 11 September, a massive V-shaped concentration between Avinguda Diagonal and Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes in Barcelona. The demonstrators called for the right to vote and for the independence of Catalonia.
Ara és l’hora also backed the yes vote for the referendum on 9 November 2014. In 2015, it was reactivated for the elections to the Parliament of Catalonia.